Huakailani PTSA

The Huakailani PTSA is comprised of members of the Huakailani Ohana; supporting Huakailani School for Girls in Kailua, Hawaii

Friday, June 25, 2010

2010/2011 PTSA Board

We will be holding PTSA Board Elections in August. If interested in being on the PTSA Board, please send an email to:,

Tupperware and

Huakailani PTSA has an on-going Tupperware sales; 25-40% of the sales go directly to the PTSA. Throughout the year we will have special sales; but you are always welcome to shop online with our Tupperware Representative Traci Fernandez.

A link to online Tupperware Flyers:

Your family and friends in Hawaii and on the Mainland can order directly from Traci; simply mention Huakailani and we will receive a percentage of the sale.

eScrip is a great way to fund raise for Huakailani while you do your normal shopping both online and at local restaurants.  

If you have not yet signed up for eScrip, go to: and join, choose Huakailani PTSA as your group. 

If you are already signed up with eScrip through a different organization, please sign in and change your setting to Huakailani PTSA.

2010/2011 Huakailani PTSA Focus on the Arts

Aloha Huakailani Ohana and welcome to the Huakailani PTSA Blog. We are gearing up for a great year at Huakailani.  The PTSA will focus our fund raising efforts this year on the arts.

The Huakailani PTSA first meeting will be Friday, August 27, 6:30 pm. As always, we will have a potluck dinner and child care will be offered. This is a great opportunity to meet other families and hear what is going on at Huakailani.

We are looking for new PTSA Board Members and Committee Members. Please contact Ana Murray, or 808-259-7792 if you are interested in more information our would like to volunteer. 

We are no longer collecting CapriSun/Honest Kids empty containers. We are collecting: Box Tops and Coke Rewards (collecting Coke product tops and the numbers that are located on the inside of the boxes of Coke Products).